Proposed by Ronny De Jesus (profile, biography)
How will I do that project
I'll spend at least 20 hours a week in the project.
I will do shorts iterations about one or two weeks and sending shorts summaries to my mentors with the activities done, in progress and planned to do
What methodologies will I use
I'll use weekly sprints to organise my work, following the original roadmap, but the feedback is welcome and could change the roadmap,depending of the my mentors or the community opinion.
I'll keep the roadmap steps, choosing the next tasks each week with my mentors.
Suggested timeline and milestones
Event handler (new class, method, category, etc.)
Points's System
Is a game, the points have to be balanced, but it is not fun, people would end up doing the same to get more points.
Challenges's system
Repeatable challenges
Periodic challenges
Epic challenges
Unique challenges
Pharo’s Notifications
Web server API
Pharo client
Web client
Bugfixing, testing and documentation.
Where I see the risks
Since the broader vision scope is very large, I found the major risk in trying to give always the most valuable features at first.
How the results will look like
The community will have a platform to Participate and compete (healthily) into the pharo development.
The new users can learn the most important tools with a guide and receive points for it